Embodiment & Creative Empowerment for the

For The One Who is equally intuitive and intelligent, spiritually deep and materially driven, logical and heArt-led. You’re reaching for the stars while staying grounded on Earth. You want it all through heArt, and you're craving a space that supports you in embodying and achieving your deepest desires and wildest dreams.


I Want It All 

love. liberation.
well-being. wealth. 

Most women live either...

Deeply connected to your heArt—spiritual and personal growth-oriented—but losing yourself in the depths of your inner world, limiting the growth of your material dreams...

Or, laser-focused on material success, but miss the deeper, quieter callings of your heArt and accidentally create a life that doesn't feel like your own. Even if it looks like you have it all according to societal or Instagram standards, you know that this isn't really... it.

Most women unconsciously believe they have to choose between deep fulfillment and big success.

But not you.

You are here to Be, Do, and Have... It All.

Deep personal growth, spiritual alignment, wild love, meaningful impact, and the success you dream of.

A holistic, integrated experience of well-being—where your inner and outer worlds align, where you experience deep fulfillment and expansive success, where you feel empowered to Choose and create everything you most desire and dream to experience in life, without compromising what matters most to you.

I'm Bryanna—Mama, heArtist, Coach & Mentor, Educator, Entrepreneur, Podcaster, and Mirror of Possibility.

For over two decades, I've passionately explored the depths of the human psyche, body, heArt, spirit, and soul. I’ve immersed myself in dynamic studies of nutrition, yoga & Pilates, psychology, post-traumatic growth, spirituality, somatic healing, energy work, quantum change, law, social change, and entrepreneurship. I’ve asked big questions about healing and evolution and co-creation, on a personal and collective level, always to find... more questions.

I consider myself an expert in nothing, while deeply masterful at the art of embodied transformation. Becoming the person you desire to Be, creating a Life you love and are proud to lead, while making the things you once only dreamt of your daily reality.

Over the last 7 years I've supported thousands into their embodied evolution, into leading with heArt and making art of Life.


hi love,

“Bryanna holds a strong field of energetics - as a strategic consultant for senior leaders of non-profits, start-ups and Fortune 500 companies I can confidently say that she undeniably has the breadth and depth to connect strategy in a sophisticated yet understandable way, from an embodied place. As her client, I have the rare opportunity to be held by someone who can deeply traverse multiple layers of energetics and multiple modalities - backed by years of education and experience - in a way that invites me to elevate into the next level of desire. There's no one else like her in the world. She has helped me reframe stories and experiences as well as asked potent questions that have fundamentally changed who I am becoming and how I design and live in my life and in my business. This work with Bryanna is a game changer for me.”
-Stefanie Schram, Canada

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“I came to Bry with these concrete ideas of wanting to increase my numbers in my business. Even though I was a depth therapist for 20 years and always look beyond the surface of things, I came to Bry in the concrete and she guided me to the underlying patterns in my unconscious that were creating this feeling of lack or needing more, more, more. She helped me orient to a state of abundance and intimacy with everything that I already have, so I started to feel really full, grateful. And. Of course. That’s when these HUGE motherflippin magic and miracles started to come in. Within a couple of weeks of working together I was offered more money than I’ve ever dreamed of in my entire life for a project, and something exciting also happened in the romantic sphere, which hasn’t happened in a long time. To the point where both feel almost supernatural. Bry is a real witch. She can tap all the way down into the codes in the unconscious and help us shift energetically and subtly in a way that allows our entire lived experience to really shift. I am so grateful, Bry, for your help, and I highly recommend anyone who wants to feel really different and experience life differently; she is someone you can really trust to lead you through the depths and help you reconnect with yourself in a way that’s totally safe and nonjudgmental.” -Dr. Sam Radar, Los Angeles


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“Bry is a really powerful coach. She has a depth of experience that she brings into her programs that is unlike anything I’ve experienced before and she is super activating. Her coaching is so potent and also very actionable and practical and I look back on what I’ve learned all the time. She has a slow drip approach to transformation that has created seismic sustainable shifts in my life. So grateful for her Projector wisdom in my life.” -Sam Pfotenhauer, Texas


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I have been in many of Bryanna’s offerings now. Everything she offers feels aligned and she shows up consistently in everything she does, whatever the topic. She is a true master of her craft and is embodied in everything that she teaches. She holds such a kind, safe space. I've never felt judgment or anything other than kind, genuine, caring love from her… even when her feedback is hard to hear.

She offers a different type of leadership that is so refreshing. And that invites a different kind of intimacy in the group. I’ve felt so connected to the other women in this program and love how intimate it has been. I’ve done women’s circles and different group programs before, but have never experienced a space like this. That feels this contained and dropped in, and not at all forced or awkward. Everyone gets to know each other in a real way and everyone cares about each other here. It has been such a healing and expansive experience in every way. -Kristin Loe, North Carolina


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“I’ve been working with Bryanna privately for 5 months and she has inspired me to go deeper than I ever knew possible. She’s been one of the greatest upgrades in my life and am so thankful for the work we’ve navigated. I’m showing up so much more in my power, my truth, and my own sovereignty, and this past year has been a lot of letting go, shifting and reawakening. Feels like I am just beginning my life from a place of deep consciousness and intention in ways I never have before. Greatest journey. Forever love you. Thank you for holding, guiding and seeing me for me. It helped me remember. To all the magic to unfold. Virtual hug sob!” -Melissa Aguirre, Texas


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“I truly can’t say enough about how much I love, appreciate, and value Bryanna and the way she models (through her life and work) what it means to fully embrace and embody the complexity of the human experience. Each time I participate in one of her offerings, I gain new awareness, profound insights, and significant shifts in the way I relate to my lived experiences—all of which have helped me move through past pain, reframe limiting beliefs, and experience more soul-centered alignment in my life and business.” -Lena Papadopoulos, Mexico


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"Working with Bry the last six months has been the biggest gift of my life. I wanted to join for some time and when I finally did it I was so nervous to make such a big investment in myself- it was something I had never done before, and it is one of the best decisions I've made in my life so far. Knowing what I know today, I would make that investment ten-fold.

Bry is an incredible teacher, guide and expander- it's hard to translate how magical her energy is and how much I've learned from her. When I joined I was going through a pretty rough life transition, just entering my Saturn return, and feeling like everything kept changing. A part of me knew I wanted to ‘do’ life differently but I had no idea how. I kept looking for answers everywhere, reading all the things and feeling frustrated at the lack of internal or external changes.

I'm so grateful that I can say today *everything* has changed and continues to... But the biggest change is that I now feel like I am in the driver's seat. I am so much more grounded, aware, present and connected to myself. A great deal of this change I owe to all of the things Bry lovingly (and spot-on) pointed out to me. Every time I felt stuck or confused, she reminded me of what is really important and led me back to myself. I am so excited for what's to come and I know I will keep using everything I've learned with Bry forever.

Our time spent working together was the catalyst I needed to change and expand my heart in ways I had never even dreamt before. Thank you for showing me what is possible when we're living in alignment with our heart wide open."
-Alina Baur, Ecuador


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“Working with Bry is like a warm somatic immersive supercharged session- I felt so alighted and held, in the presence of a cultivated and beautiful brilliant mind that gently shapes language and feeling and intention, weaving together downloads and activations and enlightening bright spots of felt revelation. I'm still processing and grooving from my deep dive and honestly counting the moments to speak to Bry again. It's a rare mentor/ coach that makes you feel so supported and so radically challenged, and I have experienced so many and usually am content but yearning for more. This is definitely the most!!!” - Jennifer C., Louisiana


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“I just finished a 6 month contract with Bryanna and all I can say is wow. I feel more alive, joyful, connected to myself, and fulfilled than I have in years. When we started working together I was in a rut in my personal life. I put all of my energy into my business and was seeing success there but was completely drained and feeling lost. Bryanna guided me through so much internal work, a lot of which I didn't even realize I needed. With Bryanna's support I began to fall in love with my life again. What was surprising to me was that as I started shifting personally and showing up to my business differently, along with Bryanna's push to take some make some soul-aligned changes in my business, my profits have doubled in the past 3 months. I didn't fully comprehend what an impact my Being, as Bry says, was having on my business. Bryanna is brilliant and magical and the perfect blend of nurturing and vulnerable yet assertive and holds you to a high standard. She sees things that most others don't and isn't afraid to call it like she sees it. Our work has been challenging but lifechanging. I can't recommend her enough.” -Amanda P., Hawaii


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“I still can hear your voice in my head, I love when it comes through. I remember often when I first found you and exactly where I was in life. The deepest insecurity of who was going to love me and this new life I was being introduced to on the other side of cancer. It’s been such a magical 1 1/2 years since our container ended. Cancer has come back twice and both times - with loads of wellness tricks, manifestations and not being fearful and lots of love - I shrunk TWO tumors. Having space to do this was the priority. And this new man, stayed next to me, supported me. He’s an Aries, like you I believe. So playful but so grounded. So different than anything I’ve experienced. Looking back, our work together was the most profound time of my life. To think of what we walked through together. To think of when I had my first call with you to where my life is now is completely unrecognizable. It’s incredible. You’re incredible. Love you and your work. Forever.” -Rachel Salgado, California


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“Bry is a true healer. Not only does she have the tools, frameworks, and practices to help you get connected to yourself and trust your own inner knowing, but she also knows how to build a profitable business! I came to her feeling stuck with money and not feeling like I could see myself charging a high ticket offer for my coaching program. I was with her for less than two hours and we got clear on where my scarcity mindset comes from, my belief systems, and the TRUTH of who I actually am as my highest self and my abilities to help people. We got clear on exactly what I do and who I help and created a game plan for my marketing strategies as well as the knowing that I can raise my prices way higher right now! She helped me tune into some pain I was carrying around the relationship with my mom and we released it together. I felt so supported by her and she’s incredibly present with you. I cannot recommend Bry enough, she’s the real deal!” -Stevie Wright, Los Angeles


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"Beautiful Bry, I am beyond grateful to have been a part of the sacred container that was created tonight. Your ability to hold yourself in full receivership and create safe space for raw, deep & honest expression without judgment is truly the greatest gift. I was nervous to share my story so openly in a group space, but my vulnerability was met with such depth, tenderness & care. I felt completely supported, held, seen and heard - the exact nurturing my soul needed in that moment. My heart bursts with so much gratitude for you and your work, it is such a blessing to be a receiver of your light. Sending abundant love your way, now and always."
-Crystal Kelly, Utah


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“The compounding effects of working with Bryanna in multiple containers including 1:1 support over the past year and a half is the ultimate gift I’ve given myself. I started with just a one time 1:1 session, to 12 weeks of SSM and now 1:1 support + all of her courses — and putting it all together is wildly amazing. The transformation I’ve been experiencing and observing in myself is possible through these containers where all things are welcomed, and where I’m seen, honored and held by Bry in such potent ways. My favorite thing about working with Bry in so many ways is being able to experience more of her magical bag of modalities and seemingly endless ways of framing anything that comes up for me. It’s incredibly deep and alchemical to go all in with one person like this, experiencing the expansion, evolution and excitement together as an energy exchange like this provides. This is like stacking the decks for yourself to experience potency, depth and evolution on a level you may haven’t experienced before (it’s amazing)! Having Voxer access to work through things coming up, themes repeating in my life and in the learnings she’s teaching have made a huge difference for me. The way I show up in my life, relationships and business — not to mention my entire being —  has shifted exponentially. I am becoming, I am choosing, I am co-creating in ways I once didn’t remember possible.” -Nicole Doyle, New Jersey


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Everything Bryanna teaches is gold. Her knowledge is deep and versatile. But most importantly, Bryanna teaches not just from her expansive background but her personal life experience. Which to me, is the most important thing. She is the embodiment of her own work and her teachings. As someone who has invested a lot of money in different “self-help” courses, I can say that SSM is already the best ROI. I am grateful to Bryanna for sharing her wisdom with us. To be in her presence is already magic, and to be able to learn from her wisdom is a chance of a lifetime.
-Tetiana Podoliako, Washington D.C.


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Private Coaching & Mentorship

I work privately with a select few women each year who are ready to be clearly seen and masterfully supported as we explore the energetic patterns that have unconsciously shaped your choices and creations in life, love, business, well-being, and wealth. This process will empower you to embody conscious choice and intentionally create a life that is both deeply fulfilling and wildly successful.

My style of coaching is equally honest and direct as it is unconditionally welcoming and loving. It's intuitive and energetic led while supported by strategic, intelligent application to your day-to-day life. This intimate, transformative container is a profound commitment for both coach and client. Private coaching begins at multiple five figures. If this feels like a fit for you...



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