On my return from maternity leave…
While my husband was sick and quarantined upstairs; I was full time with our 6 week old son who was crying whenever he was put down…
Typing with one arm while he napped in my other…
Putting my work down whenever he woke up to be fully present with him… gracefully & gratefully working on Wes’s schedule…
Still squeezing in cleaning & cooking & bringing dad provisions…
Until Wes and I got sick too and landed in the ER…
We are both well but had one of the worst hospital experiences… excavating medical trauma from my past, bringing a whooooole lot of feelings to surface…
Sales still rolling in in the background as I journeyed to the depths of my pain, physically & psychically…
Holding a new level of duality in abundance, magic through challenge, grief.
I have a lot to say about this.
But what I most desire to say right now is,
I am so proud of me.
For the years I’ve devoted to my Becoming, my Self Mastery… for my continual commitment to this path of liberation, personally & professionally.
And for all I’ve co-created through my Becoming… for my willingness to make “crazy” moves and believe in me even when it didn’t look like things were working & it was just me believing in me… for my trust in my vision & intuition above all else, always.
Lately, my life & business are moving faster and faster.
It seems like everything is happening, all at once.
Which it is…
And also…
Not really.
This has been years in the making.
I put so much Self work & energetic intention & visioneering into every single thing that has happened & is happening.
This is the compound effect of choosing the reality I desire to experience and showing up for/as that reality again and again and again.
Part of me can’t imagine life ever getting better than it already is.
And yet… I know this is just the warm up.
More to come soon. 🚀💎🪞🦋❤️🔥
Instagram post here