Embodiment practices are great, breathwork is great, but are you really Being about what you say you’re about?
Are you using those transformative experiences to fuel your ***actual evolution*** into tangible practical real life application… or are you using them to looooooop in your wounding, waiting to feel healed or ready before you move.
You’ll heal as you move. You’ll be ready when you decide you are.
Humans who are in true Self Mastery are… connected to their heArt & soul, aligned with their unique purpose, and moooooove in alignment with their heArt soul purpose like mothafuckas. Love drives them. Meaning drives them. Impact drives them. Self actualization drives them. True Embodiment drives them.
(((Taking a stand for more balance between heArt and ambition these days.
Which sometimes looks like… slow down and get in your heArt before you move
But often looks like… ok you’re in your heArt, WHAT YA GONNA DO NOW HONAAAAY?
Let’s not get lost in the waters of personal growth and lose connection to our true power as creatives…
Instagram post here