You love making money but it is no longer the most exciting (or dysregulating) part of business for you. It’s just… part of the game. A rly fkn fun part.
You know how to make and move money but you’re ready to do both things in a way that feels more aligned and authentic to you. You’re ready to deepen your connection to your creativity and step into another level of authentic self-expression in your life and in your work.
You’ve already achieved more than most but know that you’ve barely tapped into your true potential and are looking for someone who can support you into the magnitude of your vision.
You’re also looking for someone who knows what it’s like to hold a lot of duality… who shows up big in life and business no matter what, yet doesn’t override their nervous system or neglect their personal desires or family time or JOYYYYY in the name of success. Someone who has compassion for… the complexity of life… and simultaneously holds you beyond your perceived limitations and excuses. Holding you into your Bigness without overriding how much it takes to hold It All.
You’re driven and ambitious and know how to MOOOVE, and you’re also deep and sensitive and big heArted and are wanting more balance between your inner entrepreneur & your inner artist.
You are here for a life and business that feels like Magic and heArt. You won’t settle for anything else. And you’re willing to be honest about where you’re selling yourself out in that so you can choose More.
You see my embodiment, you feel my heart, you want my projector piercing vision and lived wisdom on you and your business. You choose me for me. And you know I will choose you for you.
My 1:1 & mastermind spaces are built for a special kind of human. Read through the slides for more. 🪞🪞🪞💎💎💎
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