It has been the furthest thing from easy 🥵 I spent half of 2023 in the hospital, in utero surgery, weren’t sure if my twins would make it, wasn’t able to hold my son for 6 mos, was separated from him for 3, and had some other big happenings in my family, my husband’s career, our finances. All at once. Suffice it to say – it was Intense.
But every step of the way I made the choice to let it all fuel my success instead of becoming the reason I drop the standards I hold for my Self and my family.
I let the uncertainty and fear and pain fuel my purpose and power and conviction in who I Am and what I’m capable of.
While some women are busy blaming motherhood for their lack of success, I’m out here making motherhood my greatest asset.
Legacy became my why when I had babies. That alone changed the whole game. The game became so much BIGGER.
I literally do not have time or energy to give a fuck anymore about what other people think about what I’m doing, to overthink what I’m doing, or the flip side to spend time doing shit that doesn’t actually move the needle… or to spend time with other humans who drain my tank, or to eat / do things that drain my tank. Ya get the gist.
I thought my boundaries and standards were high before 🤣 they were def higher than most but not even the bare minimum required for where I’m going and how I’m getting there.
If something is taking me away from my babies, it better be worth it. And my business is absolutely worth it. This is my passion and purpose and service and I choose it with all of its challenges and pitfalls. But I’m also clear that my business isn’t my baby. My babies are my babies. And they come first.
So to juggle it all with my values leading the way I’ve had to become even more efficient, productive, intentional.
New meaning to work smarter, not harder.
Focused and fierce.
While also an emotional pile of mmmuuusshhh because there’s so much LOVE in my daily life.
Dropped so deeply in my heArt
Giving most of me to my nearest and dearest
And the rest I pour into y’all 🫶🏻
This mama is exhausted – tank on empty most days. But I’ve never felt so alive or aligned.
Coincidence? Or Choice? 🪞
Instagram post here