Something I’ve observed in both my legal career and through working with many, many, many entrepreneurs as a mentor is… the core of where everything goes really well or gets royally fkkkkkd in business is 9/10x because of relationship.
People’s inability to relate *intimately*.
To be honest, open, direct, and discerning, without judgment or playing the shame/blame game.
To lead with their heart without manipulating the other person for the outcome you want.
To bring what is happening for you in real time… so it doesn’t build up and fester and make a mountain out of what could have been a molehill. While often leaving the other party confused & frustrated. Had they have known more, they could have adjusted more. Or. Ended sooner, on better terms.
Putting layers of unspoken expectations on The Other… that The Other didn’t & couldn’t have known about… and then flipping your shit when those unspoken expectations weren’t psychicly met.
Playing in hierarchy. Either you’re superior/on a pedestal and The Other is inferior or vice versa. If you play into this there will always be a flip somewhere.
Most have lost the heArt of true relating in our overly digitized & disconnected society.
Especially in online business.
All business is, when distilled to its most simple essence, just a way of formalizing transaction/trade/transformation amongst… people. Even when those people are on the other end of a device. (Obvious but… apparently it’s not.)
Business is built on relationships.
And your relationship skills are developed, FIRST, through your relationship with you, with your unconscious. You can only meet another as deeply as you’ve met your Self. You can only take your business as far as you can take relationships.
Self Mastery >>> Relational Mastery >>> Business Mastery
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