Have you noticed how certain modalities will “trend” as THE ONE for periods of time… until… the person who touted mindset work as the be-all-end-all enters a period of somatic healing and declares “mindset work is dead, somatics is the way!!!”
Have you noticed how some people swear by… NLP? Somatics? Shadow work? Breathwork? Inner child work? Meditation? Family constellations? Talk therapy? RRT? Psychedelics? Etc… as THE thing.
So what is it?
Any of them. All of them. None of them. 😅
All modalities are practices and processes, tools and technologies designed to support you in accessing your subconscious. In making your unconscious, conscious.
All roads lead to Rome.
What matters is not WHAT you do, but HOW you do it.
Who you Be as you Do.
Your embodiment.
Honest, earnest, humble, empowered, curious, receptive, patience. Moving in love, As Love. Willingness. Tenacity.
A beginner’s inquiry at every level, no matter how much you “know”.
Developing these qualities will take you further than focusing on any modality will.
Instagram post here