Because I decided it would. And have shown up for that reality every day like it is the most important thing I have ever and will ever do with my life.
Empowered and Embodying Creative Choice in all dimensions of life 💎💎💎 I cry… regularly… about the mom I am. I received a very different kind of mothering and childhood. And worked my ass off to Become a woman I am proud of, to Be a safe grounded present loving home for my babies, to model depth and intimacy and honesty and care through the way I show up for all relationships, to model passion and purpose and conviction and courage and creativity and heArt in my contribution to my little pocket of humanity—so much bigger than just having a career, to stand for and show them the way of wealthy well-being… abundance that stems from their insides first and is reflected through their external reality, to always keep my values and priorities in check—with them at the tippy top.
It would have been ***easy*** to blame my upbringing, my circumstances, my trauma for not having the life I desire. Very few people would have held me accountable to anything more. They would have agreed with my reasoning when they heard my story.
But I wanted more. For me. My children. My whole family. So I stood for more. Until the trauma therapist who worked with me in my 20s as I was on suicide watch and championing my way through some gnarly dark night of the soul shit… told me on our last official session together, years ago, that I’m her miracle client. One of the few who are the reason she does what she does. What makes all the daunting parts of her work, worth it. We still stay in touch. I send her baby pics and hubby pics. We chat on the phone together and cry. “Can you believe I made it? Can you believe how good it all gets to be?!” “Yes I can. You chose this. You fought for this. You created this New Story. And it is ripe to just enjoy now.”
So yeah… you won’t hear me complaining about how hard motherhood is, even when I acknowledge how hard it is. On the scale of hard things I’ve experienced this lifetime, birthing 3 angels onto the planet that I get to love with everything I am… even when I feel like I have nothing to give in a moment… is down there with working hard on the business I love or having hard conversations with the people I love. All a responsibility I choose.
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