You are out here (consciously or unconsciously) looking for THE hack to your next level of success, THE strategy to 10x, THE *insert here* that is missing between where you are now and where you want to be…
When the thing that ***10x*** your impact and income isn’t the How To (if it were, any person who Googled “how to build a million dollar business” would be a millionaire)…
It’s The Who.
Realizing that You are THE thing.
Your mastery and embodiment as an entrepreneur—as The One Who chooses and executes every strategy.
Your refinement over time in… your skillset and relationship to strategy… in the deepening of the authentic quality of what you offer, how you offer it, how you deliver it, how you hold It All.
Where… instead of creating a course about Trailblazing because that’s trending (ironically… the opposite of Trailblazing), you create a course about a completely different topic in a Trailblazing way.
Where… instead of buying a designer handbag for your next photoshoot because you want your brand to look luxury, because that’s what other people you perceive as successful or cool have been doing… you get clear on who You actually are, what you value/stand for, what you want to bring to the marketplace, and how you want your people to feel as you do… and you build your branding around that.
Where… instead of hiring someone to do your graphics because your coach said it’s a waste of time to create your own graphics since your job is really to create the content that converts, when really you LOVE the process of creating your graphics and it energizes your creativity whereas writing content that converts drains you… you hire someone who can you can bounce content ideas off of and help you get more clear on the articulation of your work as you develop your content & conversion skillset.
The game of business changes when you stop looking outside of you for:
What you should offer, how you should offer it, what your business model and support team looks like, and so on.
And instead look to any How To to refine your internal compass towards choosing your most authentic and aligned way of moving in business. This is… embodied biz 😉
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