When the “social media is fake, here’s what I hide from you” trend was going around The ‘Gram I couldn’t help but wonder… do the people who are sharing these posts realize they are revealing more about how they have used socials in a fake way than they are about “the nature of socials”?
And do the people who are watching and feeling validated because “omg me too” realize that they just had some big blind spots/wounds revealed too and instead of normalizing their wounded relationship to social media (a way of relating to and being seen by others)… they could get real with themselves and feel/heal so they can step into more empowered and authentic expressing and relating?
Just me?
Your relationship to social media is a bright, shiny mirror to your ability to relate with other humans. To your ability to allow yourself to be seen as you know you are (versus peacocking / trying to be seen as something or someone you don’t really believe you are). To your relationship with shame and hiding or contorting yourself for others… versus… being intentional and intelligent about what you broadcast on the internet because privacy is sexy and the World Wide Web doesn’t need to know your every inner thought feeling belief for you to be authentic.
Some people use social media to try to look happier and prettier and cooler than they are. Some people use it to share what they like and value. Some people use it to create art and/or share and sell the art they create.
Some people market their brand/business in unconscious, sneaky ways. They choose what they share based on their wounding and fears, based on what they think that other people will think of them. They try to paint a picture of them / their business … that is fake. Not by deciding they want to be fake, but by not being willing to get real with themselves and choose the courageous way of… curating their online intentionally, intelligently, and in integrity.
Some people curate their online presence in intentional, intelligent, integrous ways. They choose what they share based on what serves the vision and what doesn’t. They know that even when they have a personal brand… some things are too personal to share publicly. They decide where that line is *for them* and don’t feel obligated or entitled to cross it for demanding strangers on the internet.
There’s a big difference between choosing what you share and don’t share online because it’s in alignment with your values and vision… or… because you’re trying to look different than you feel or you want attention in a wounded, please-fill-the-void-I-haven’t-figured-out-how-to-fill-myself kind of way.
This is the difference between using socials to connect and express and create your dreams… and using socials to band-aid your pain/shame around intimacy and vulnerability and authenticity and worthiness.
What you embody… creates your experience. 🪞
Instagram post here