The least sexy part of being a big heArted human who has big dreams and grows rapidly in alignment with those dreams is that not everything or everyone will grow with you. Not for better or for worst. Some will hit their capacity of what they can hold and stand for in the name of growth and will comfortably maintain the level they are at in life/business. Some will grow in a different direction. Or maybe it’s you that grew in a different direction. Either way… as you evolve, your greatest strength will be how gracefully you are able to let what was once your It All go with heArt not hierarchy.
When you are a Being who lives by the principles of Rapid, Revolutionary, Embodied Evolution…
When you are a human who doesn’t just want to “heal” so that you no longer feel the pain or discomfort of existing or so that you can feel better than/“more conscious than” others… but rather… you want to heal so that you can evolve and create a better reality for you, your family, humanity… so that you can live into your power as a conscious co-creator and have the experience of reality you desire this lifetime…
The biggest thing that will stunt your growth, hold you back, is letting the pain/fear of letting anything or anyone go stop you from moving forward, or worse, attaching your identity to anything or anyone outside of you. (When it feels like letting go of a relationship or business model or *insert here* is letting go of who you are.)
This is different than having attachments.
It’s a very healthy human thing to have *secure* attachments to other humans.
Secure attachment = you have your Self and you relate with others in a grounded, honest, empathetic way. You have needs and communicate them, they have needs and you honor them; there’s harmony in the relay-ting.
Which sometimes means… as you grow and you have new desires and standards and boundaries and you communicate them honestly… over time… either a person grows with you or they don’t. And either you white knuckle the dynamic… or you don’t.
Holding onto relationships (or business models or anything else) that no longer fit your values or desires and aren’t able or willing to grow with you isn’t healthy attachment, it’s codependence.
And that shit will keep you looping in the same level of problems in your life/business for waaaay longer than necessary.
Let it go… and everything around you will grow. 🪞
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