When I was pregnant with my son Wes I decided that I wouldn’t have to sacrifice anything to be a multidimensional mama – a woman who joyfully wears so many hats. I decided that I would *compromise* and make decisions in alignment with what I wanted but never sacrifice. That worked great for me… until…
My twin girl pregnancy knocked me so hard on my ass I could barely see straight, then landed me in the hospital for months, then months of premie girls in the nicu, then being a mama of newborn twins & a 1 year old… while running my business the whole time and supporting my husband in a transition in his career and tending to elderly family members who need care…
I started to feel like it was no longer a compromise or in my choice but a sacrifice. And I was pissed about that. I had worked so hard to build a life where sacrifice wasn’t in my vocabulary and felt like I was going backwards.
Until I decided that the next level of my power and strength came from actually welcoming sacrifice as a devotional practice. Instead of rebranding it as compromise to make myself feel better (cute) … I decided to claim it and make it an art and feel honored to have so many things and people that matter to me that I’m *always* giving up one thing for another. And become more intentional about which thing I’d be giving up, when. And become more intentional about lovingly and clearly communicating to people when and why so they had insight to the higher octave of all I was juggling and what that truly requires. Which helped them grow and become more intentional about what they were willing to sacrifice and when… and also helped them knowing how to support me more so I felt like I was sacrificing even less. Whodathunkit.
Now I gracefully sacrifice some time with my family for my purpose or pleasure, knowing that I’ll sacrifice some time with my purpose or pleasure for time with my family, and in the end it always balances out. Because I have my finger on the pulse of what matters most to me and what I’m willing to give up for another thing and what is not worth giving up for anything.
A value & vision driven life…
A true Have It All life…
Even when there’s always more 💎
Instagram post here