But creating this way means you’re always going to need more lack (contrast, dis-ease) to create more money.
I don’t know about you, but that’s certainly not my definition of Having It All. Having It All isn’t… the cars, the home, the outfits; a perfectly-curated-for-Instagram life.
Having It All is… love, depth, connection, freedom, well-being, havingness that pours into every domain of life. A life that feels better than it looks. While simultaneously looking pretty damn good. A life that gives My real life is better than my Instagram life vibes.
Having It All is an embodiment that CREATES an outcome.
Having It All is a feeling more than it is an outcome.
A lot of people who have a lot of money also have a lot of chaos, crisis, discontent, dis-ease. They’ve made all the money at the expense of love, depth, connection, freedom, well-being, and true havingness. (And have decided that is the only way, because it’s the only way they have experienced/have evidence of.)
Having It All begins with your relationship with Self. With becoming aware of all the ways lack has been unconsciously driving you forward in one area of life while simultaneously disconnecting you from another.
As you begin to shift your relationship with you, your relationship with others & purpose/career & money/resources & the nature of Life as a whole will begin to shift and you will begin to make new choices that create new results in your material life.
Remember, embodiment is as logical and practical and strategic as it is mystical and magical and energetic. Energy creates matter. New energies combined create new matter. The energy of havingness + the energy of aligned action = a quantum level chain reaction. 😉
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