…when your life was simpler than you realized… then as you fell in love and spent a year in deep healing & growth with your partner, through pregnancies and miscarriage and births, 6 month long hospital stays, death in the family, looking after aging family members while juggling 3 babies under 2… through It All.
When I think of what my life might look like now had I not blown it up and quit my legal clerkship 6 months after graduating law school (cutting my contract 6 months short, “career suicide” my peers said)…
When I think of what my life might look like now had I ignored the dream on my heArt to share things on the internet and talk about mental health and happiness and spirituality and dream building and what it really means to be successful… had I let my fear of looking cringe, being judged, cancelled even… stop me from being who I wanted to and creating what I wanted to…
When I think about who I would be as a mother if I were working the 10-12 hr days that are normalized in the career I was building… or who I would be as a woman if I weren’t working at all to be home with my babies full time, not because there’s anything wrong with that but because I didn’t want that and would only be doing it if I didn’t have the option to do both…
I can’t even.
All I can think is… Thank you, God.
And thank you, me.
Taking that leap was scary as SHIT. Til it became normalized. And new things scared me. And I confronted those things til they became normalized. And new things scared me. And… you get the picture.
Letting myself want It All, show up for It All, grow into being able to hold It All, have It All…
Is what has allowed It All to support me in return.
Life’s a trip. That’s all.
Instagram post here