Shift your definition of feeling good from… moment-to-moment comfort, easy, instant gratification, focusing on superficial fleeting “I want it now daddy” wants… to…
The bigger picture feeling good because you are Being a person you’re proud of. Acting in ways that align with your values and vision, even when it’s uncomfortable AF. Learning to love the discomfort that comes with stepping out of your comfort zone because that’s growth baby! Learning to love not only the rush of feel good hormones in your body after you work out, but actually loving the holy-shit-it-burns-so-good and deepen your focus and resilience as you are mid muscle build. Fall in love with The Game over the results. (Duality things = the ones most obsessed with the game give it their all and win more than most. Results are a byproduct.)
Know that every day you do this, you are showing up as The One Who… creates what you desire most. Your deepest, most aligned wants. The ones that feel like the depths of your heArt and the heights of your soul. The ones that feel so good… even in fleeting moments you don’t feel good… that you actually don’t care what it looks like to others. Which is magnetic AF. And looks really good. 😜
The problem isn’t that you want to feel good in life / biz … it’s the way you define feeling good. The subconscious expectations you create and the resistance you create by only wanting to feel a certain range of feelings every moment of life. That’s not a thing 🤣
When you learn how to embody feeling good even in challenge, hardship, heartache… not as bypass but through deep connection to your Self and big love of Life and the co-creative process itself… you’ve mastered The Game. It will all feel good. Even when it doesn’t. 💎
Some call this emotional intelligence. I call it, Subconscious Self Mastery. Which is a mind-body-emotion-spirit-soul-action experience… a way of Being in masterful relationship with Self & with Life… an embodiment, not a destination. 🪞
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