It took me over a decade of deep healing, spiritual exploration, and personal growth to get the courage to Be who I am and go for what I want in Life.
I lived what felt like a double life for so long.
There was the ambitious, intelligent, driven me… The One I felt more comfortable letting other people see… The One who dreamt of creating big change in the world and who worked her ass off to go from a failing high school student who had to petition her schools administration to let her graduate to a straight A college student to a law school graduate with honors.
Then there was the spiritual, intuitive, sensitive me. The Mystic who saw things that most people around her didn’t seem to from a young age, who felt things in others they didn’t feel in themselves, who could read between the lines of everything so clearly… but was continually told she was wrong and learned to question everything she saw, felt, thought to be true. The One who discovered self help & subconscious work at 12 years old and spent much of her teenage years with her nose in books about psychology and spirituality and magic. The One who found shamanism and plant medicine at 19 and energy healing/somatic work at 22 and who secretly obsessed over learning and growing in these domains because she didn’t believe these were worthy pursuits in the world or safe to be seen in.
The One Who at 27 decided she would never again wear a mask and pretend to be someone she isn’t…
The One Who quit her legal career just 6 months after graduating from law school to write posts on the internet that had friends and peers calling her out of concern for her over sharing and attention seeking 🤣…
The One Who decided she would get to Be It All.
Intelligent AND intuitive. Strategic AND energetic. Logical AND heArt-led. Materially driven AND spiritually deep. Deep AND driven.
The One Who found out it along the way that… by being willing to BE It All… to be seen in It All… to stop hiding, pretending, contorting, playing small and to start standing for who you really are and what you really want, no matter what the peanut gallery says… you actually get to have It All.
In fact, this is the only way. 🪞
Instagram post here