I, instead, supported her in… staying. This client didn’t come to me asking if she should leave or stay, she asked me how to leave. How to build the business. How to… XYZ.
As she shared about herself and her dreams and desires and told me what she thought she wanted from our work together, I felt and saw a different embodiment than her words painted.
Where many coaches would have taken her words and her impressive resume at face value and said you’re ready, jump and the net will appear!! Be bold! Make big moves! I asked her if she was open to hearing an honest reflection about what I was feeling and seeing in her that was going to make creating what she really wanted… difficult.
She said she was. And so I shared…
I sensed that this client wasn’t going to get what she wanted by doing what she thought she wanted to. I had a sense that she didn’t even fully want what she thought she did.
I felt her power & intelligence. I heard her desire to make her own rules & do work that she loves in the world. I saw how easy it would have been *from a strategic lens* to turn her years of experience as a corporate consultant into an online business.
And I felt her reactivity & rushing & running, her looking to fix discontent that was created *internally* by changing circumstances… missing important info in the process that would support her in truly building what she wanted, how she wanted.
I sensed that if she took the big leap then, she was going to unconsciously create more of what she didn’t want… she was going to build a business that felt just the same as her corporate gig and a life that felt the same as before even as all circumstances change.
I gave her advice that she didn’t expect or like but that changed everything for the better:
“Stay in corporate for now. Use the cushy pay to support you as you develop yourself in X Y Z ways. Start building the business now but without pressure that will rob you of the process required to grow your Self & to discover what you feel uniquely called to create.
Wait until it feels ripe & ready instead of reactive & resentful to leave, focus on creating from a place of embodiment and integrity and responsibility now. It may take longer at first, but it will save you heartache and frustration for years to come.”
4 years later, this is N’s last week in corporate!
The woman she is today is unrecognizable to the girl who booked that first session.
The business she has built today would have been unfathomable to her then.
She has left no stone in her Self or her life unturned through our work together these 4 years.
She has Become someone she is proud of and trusts to responsibly steward her life, business, finances, and family in a way she wouldn’t have been able to before.
She is already getting what she wants *as* she builds her big dreams.
And the business of her dreams… is the obvious next step. Grounded. Clear. Embodied.
Instagram post here