Embodying = Being the living expression of something intangible, making it tangible; thinking-feeling-speaking-acting in alignment with information/ energy until it becomes form.
Subconscious Programming = the mental-emotional-physical conditioning (info/energetics) you inherited and keep playing into (the thoughts-feelings-words-actions you believe are you)
Conscious Choice – your ability to perceive more information and energy… and empower your capacity to choose which thought-feeling-words-actions you will participate in and co-create with.
The most empowered humans (The Ones Who live as the embodiment of Choice—it seems like they always get what they want, it always works for them, they seem so much more in charge of their life) aren’t living without wonky thoughts, feelings, words at the tip of their tongue, and temptations for reactive actions part of them knows they will regret…
They just don’t play into them. They CHOOSE the embodiment they desire. Day-in, day-out. They choose to be a human they are proud to be and to create a life that they feel proud to live. They choose, they choose, they choose.
Even through tragedy, trauma, challenge… through circumstances where anyone would completely understand why they played into the wonky things… they still choose to rise to what they want instead of sinking into what was normalized for them.
The most empowered humans aren’t more healed than you or luckier than you… but they have taken way more responsibility for who they are and how they show up and for the results they get… which is why they are who they want to be and do what they want to do and get what they want.
The pre-req of living as the embodiment of Choice is… knowing you always have one.
Deciding that you are never a victim, even when you have been very victimized.
Knowing that you are not defined or limited by what happened to you or what other people have told you is possible for you, but rather, by your own capacity to choose the meaning you make of everything that has ever happened and to choose who you will become and what you will show up for, and to decide what kind of life you really want to live and how willing you really are to work for it.
This is true power.
This is the path of creating everything you dream of. Of getting what you want. 🪞
Instagram post here