Believing you need to “feel safe enough” to Be/Do/Have more becomes your biggest limitation.
“Feeling safe” is important for early stages of growth… when you’re going from bad to good… from disease to well-being… from reactive to response-able. But focusing on “feeling safe” won’t take you from good to great… from abundant to overflow… from response-able to living as the embodiment of Choice.
Going from good to great doesn’t require “feeling” safe… it requires trusting yourself, your leadership, your ability to have and hold your deepest desires and biggest dreams… no matter how you feel.
You won’t feel safe being/doing/having extraordinary… sharing your heArt with the world and having thousands of eyes (and equal amounts of opinions) on you, receiving and releasing millions of dollars, revealing the most vulnerable depths of your heArt, becoming a parent, being radically honest at the risk of public rejection, buying your dream home, writing your book, traveling the world, *insert here*…
Until you move towards it and begin normalizing it…
Until you CREATE your own safety in it.
And once you do that, there will be another big dream, big goal, big experience, big whatever… that will feel wild and crazy and unsafe.
Until you move towards that and begin normalizing that and create your own safety in that.
You don’t need to feel safe to be-do-have… anything.
You need to Be-do-have the things to create safety in them.
Believing you need safety first keeps you on a hamster wheel of looking for safety, unconsciously capping your growth based on *your subjective measure of safety* instead of based on what you want.
To go from good to mind-blowing, you’ve got to normalize the *feeling* of unsafety as part of the process. Part of being a growth-oriented, ambitious, deep heArted human.
Instead of looking to ~feel~ a certain way… choose who you want to Be.
And move in that direction with fierce conviction and confidence and courage.
Trusting that You Have You through all the high and low tones of feeling… that there’s wisdom to be found in All of it… that you will extract the wisdom as you go…
Which is true emotional intelligence.
When you can feel unsafe… feel a tremor of terror in your core… and still move in grounded Choice… because you trust how you navigate your feelings, because that’s who you are, not because you feel a certain way in a certain moment.
^getting here is the point of all personal growth/embodiment/emotional intelligence work. Not “feeling safe” all the time. Or feeling any type of way all the time.
Being able to feel the fullllll spectrum of… whatever the fk you feel… while remaining free. THAT is Self Mastery. 🪞 and that is required to create and ***sustain*** an extraordinary life, love, business, bank acct.
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