Who TF you are + What TF you want. Sounds simple, let’s take it deeper…
Self Mastery is the strategy that influences every strategy you choose to build your business (and whole life) with.
There wouldn’t be so many different paths to success if they didn’t all work.
Any. Strategy. Will. Work.
If you work it.
And… if heArt and freedom are your core drivers. If you want your creations to be an expression of what you love and if you want to choose strategies/structures/systems that allow you to be free to choose how you live and create and share what you love… going deeper is the only way to get there.
Knowing who you are and what you want and using great intention to choose strategies that support that, especially when opportunities that look reeeeally good but would take you off YOUR path are dangled in your face… or… when you’re feeling like it’s not working and something has gotta give and you feel tempted to sell yourself out to get a result to relieve the pressure (which would have formed a diamond had you been left in it)
Knowing who you are isn’t just about knowing how badass and powerful and worthy you are
Knowing who you are is about knowing your unconscious patterning… your unique flavor of wounding and limitation… and how that shows up in your decision making process in business…
So you don’t unconsciously choose strategies that create a business that either doesn’t feel like you/your heArt or that you feel trapped by, not at all free in.
Knowing what you want isn’t just—the money, the fame, the time freedom, the whatever.
It’s the way you want to feel as you create, the way you want your life to feel, the way you want your impact to feel; the way you want to live and express and create and love and experience It All. What that looks like will change as you do. But the essence will remain the same. If it’s truly yours and not unconscious conditioning/societal paradigms you’ve taken on and think you should want.
Instagram post here