(a yes to this is a no to that, at least in this moment)… but you always have limitless Choice in what you say yes or no to. That is where your liberation lives.
“Knowing your limitlessness”, “living a limitless life” is simply: choosing to see the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, actions you have unconsciously adopted as limitation in every moment… so you can consciously Choose whether that is your limitation or whether you’d like a different one.
Choose your limitations, create your life.
You’re either limited by… what happened to you as a child, what you’ve made that mean about you now, what you think is possible for you or people like you, etc.
Or. You’re limited by… what you choose to make of what happened, what you choose to do with what happened to you, who you choose to Become through your unique life experiences.
Here’s the thing most people dance around…
Saying yes to your power means saying no to your disempowerment.
Saying yes to liberation means saying no to believing you’re trapped/stuck/blocked/whateverTF and need to fix something before you can be/do/have what you want.
Saying yes to what you want means saying no to what you don’t want.
Most people don’t even realize how much you hold onto your pain, your stories, your inherited limitations… WHILE “trying to heal” your pain, rewrite your stories, breakthrough your inherited limitations…
Because owning your response-ability to choose and create your life means letting go of the attachment to ways you haven’t been able to choose and create your life.
Which is what Self Mastery actually is.
Not being in control of what you think-feel-believe or “healing” so you “only” think-feel-believe in alignment with what you want.
But actually embodying the knowing that you always have a choice. Living in masterful relationship with yourself so that you see when you’re unconsciously buying into the limitations you inherited and where you’re choosing the limitations you want. Where you’re saying yes to what you want and no to what you don’t want. Versus yes to what you think you should want but actually don’t and no to what you actually do want.
You get the vibe?
Deep shit. That’s actually simple AF. But not easy. Until… you practice and master and embody it. 🪞
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