Where to look when you’ve achieved a lot & it never feels like enough / you don’t feel like enough
Stop looking to *what you’ve done* to define success & look to *who you’ve become*.
You can have all the awards on your mantle, the many 0s in your bank acct, the look & the lifestyle &&& still feel empty inside & in your life.
You can have no followers, be just getting by, doing the most to build your dream while nobody else really seems to get it *yet* and feel like you’ve already won because of who you’re being and how you’re showing up.
Success is subjective. It’s created within. It’s who you Be as you build your dream.
I’ve coached high performing entrepreneurs and athletes who are obsessive with their work and winning big professionally but at the expense of their personal life, artists and celebrities who lost the connection to their heArt as they gained notoriety and went from creating for the love of expression to creating for the praise and validation of the audience, self made multimillionaires who realized the money wasn’t all it was cracked up to be—feeling further from their desires than they were when they were broke, humans who come from wealthy families and never feel like what they do measures up…
I’ve seen it again and again and again, the same story with different characters.
Seeking “the hero’s journey”… thinking it’s about what you will get, missing the deeper invitation into who you Become
Chasing the next achievement, accolade, wondering if and when you will ever feel as successful as you look
Not realizing that the thing you want to feel (successful, fulfilled, on purpose and alive) is sourced from within and the achievements you’ve been chasing are all… without.
The money has meaning… but only whatever meaning you give it and live into as you create it.
The metrics all matter… but only in the ways that truly matter to you.
True success is winning by being who you truly are, by living in alignment with your values, by keeping your priorities straight and loving not only the outcome but the experience. Obsessed with the game you’re playing, not the trophy you think you’ll get. Obsessed with who you’re becoming and what you’re creating. Achieving from this space. That’s true success. 🪞
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