Even as (arguably especially as) a healing artist. If we can’t transcend Doing The Work… did we really do it? Or has the practice of healing just become another coping strategy?
I became a personal development junkie when I was 12 years old.
The healing arts have helped me make meaning of some pretty crazy shit in my life… and transform literally every area of my life.
Some epic healers have held my hand as I’ve traversed and alchemized the depths of my pain and grief… and as I’ve discovered and expanded into the heights of my joy and purpose.
I took my first somatic healing training (Breathwork, reiki & yoga) when I was 22 and have been guiding others through transformational experiences for 12 years now. As a side hustle at first. Then full time almost 7 years ago. 🤯🥹
I have devoted my life to… Doing The Work… in every way. For as long as I can remember.
So healing IS my life.
But it also isn’t.
My Life is my life.
As the trauma and tragedy has cleared from my nervous system and no longer leads my experience of life (what a trip to be able to say that so confidently IYKYK)…
Yet I’m still deeply moved by the power of emotional alchemy and the art of personal transformation.
As I no longer practice what I preach… yet still feel in total integrity with it because I’ve lived it through so wholly and now just embody it as I continue to grow (there is no “healed” to arrive to)…
Without doing an embodiment practice every day.
Because Life has *Become* my embodiment practice.
I’ve felt the next iteration, evolution, refinement of my body of work settle in.
It’s subtle but profound.
And full of contradiction.
((“Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.” – Walt Whitman forevaaaa ))
And I know the humans I’m meant to serve.
The ones who have been Doing The Work and are beginning to feel like it’s Groundhog Day… looping… and wondering when it all gets to just settle into your soma and
Become Joy
Instagram post here