You are the artist,
your life is the canvas.

The most creative act is to design your reality; to expand your perception, choose your perspective, and show up for life consciously instead of compulsively.

When you embody Choice, you become the artist of your life; designing your dream lifestyle, love, business, body, wealth. 

After a 20+ year journey through the Healing Arts, I am living my chosen masterpiece and have devoted my career to guiding you in... Becoming The One Who... lives yours.


Growing up with chaos, violence, instability, and dis-ease of varying degree in my family, I found my passion for psychology and spirituality—for understanding the human condition—at a young age.

From 12-22 I devoured self-help and psychology books and memoirs about people who overcame great inner strife, I went to college with dreams of becoming a therapist, I studied spiritual traditions, I analyzed and searched for "why" people are who they are and whether anyone can really change who they are. All while still deeply struggling with changing the depression and anxiety and self harm and toxic patterns in myself that played out in every area of my life.


Creative choice in all things. The healing power of loving, direct communication. Living a life I am wildly obsessed with and supporting others to do the same.


Small talk. Productivity Hacks.  Shoulds.  Rushing. Sweeping things under the rug. Playing the blame & shame game. Being told I can't. ;)


Lost in deep conversation or childlike play with my humans. Snuggled with my pets and a book. Chasing a screaming toddler or 3. Driving my car up the coast; windows down, music up. Perusing the aisles of a bougie healthfood store. (DId someone say samples?!)

Connect to my heart, connect with my loved ones, connect to and create from multidimensional presence, serve Life as Love.

daily rituals:

From Understanding to Experiencing...

From Experiencing to Embodiment

In 2012, as a tender 22 year old, I was initiated into one of the great identity crumbles of life—the death of my mother. The ending of my mom's life was as tragic and traumatic as her (our) lived experience was. The depths of my grief forced me to finally face what I spent years trying to figure out. I began exploring somatic, energetic, and shamanic healing that was shifting my perception of and relationship to myself and to the human condition. At the same time, my career dreams shifted from wanting to help individuals heal to creating change in the collective understanding of and approach to mental health. I graduated college and applied to law school.

5 years, 1 cPTSD diagnosis, and a deep well of healing and evolution later, everything inside of me changed. I was experiencing life in a whole new way. But... my actual life... was largely the same.  I was on a career path that left me with little time or resources left for a personal life. I fell in love with myself but was longing for love and connection and to create a family of my own. I was living in a city I didn't love anymore, with friends who weren't able to relate at the levels I wanted to, and I was starting to realize that everything I wanted... was far away from where I was.

I realized that all the inner work in the world wasn't going to change me if I didn't get really real about what needed to change in my life and take the big scary leaps to change those things. It was time to walk my talk. To take my practice off the healing mat and make my life my practice.

November 2017, just 6 months after graduating law school, I quit my legal career with no plan but to drive across the country, move in with a friend, and find out what I could make of my one and only life if I committed to truly following my heArt and making my life art.

I didn't know what I wanted my life to look like, I had no clue what I wanted to Do next, but I knew who I wanted to Become and how I wanted my life to feel. So I started there.

I wanted my life to feel like Love. I didn't want my whole life to be consumed by my trauma or even by the healing/fighting for change anymore. I wanted to live in a way that feels nourishing and purposeful and creatively expressed. I wanted to build relationships that are deep and honest and solid. I longed for intimacy and family, for a partner who really sees me and supports me and for children to love and share a beautiful life with.

I wanted my life to feel like Freedom. I wanted to feel free to choose how I spent my time and who I spent it with and how/where I lived and... everything. I wanted to feel free to create what I want and Be who I want.

And so I began to live into the unfolding of my desires and my becoming and let the details of who/what/where/when reveal itself. Letting my heArt lead the way. (A radical, revolutionary change for a previously heady academic type.)

Building My Dream Life... Through My Business

Designing My Dream Life

December 2017 I started an Instagram account to share my musings about healing and Being. I did this for myself—at the time I hadn't shared a lot of my life experiences or learnings with anyone outside of my healing circles and felt that it was time to rip the bandaid of hiding off and share freely. As I wrote and shared I fell in love with the process of sharing my heArt online and I was deeply moved by the response I was receiving from my shares. It felt like... who I am meant to be and what I am meant to do with my life. A few months later I started a podcast, testing new edges of expression. (Public speaking was my WORST NIGHTMARE pre-podcast. I wouldn't have believed you 6 years ago if you told me how comfortable I am speaking to large groups now.)

I had no business plan. I honestly didn't even think I was building a business. I thought I was just... finding myself... as I taught Pilates for cash and studied for the California Bar Exam, still keeping a legal career in my back pocket. This was a true art for heArt's sake beginning that led to podcast listeners asking me if I offered coaching, enrolling in a life coach certification and beginning to work privately with clients. Then came... group coaching programs, workshops, online courses, masterminds... the organic unfolding of a business model that supports the Love and Freedom I dreamt of living. (I've invested well over 7 figures in my education and experience as a coach and educator and entrepreneur in this time. Click here if you're interested in my credentials.)

Since 2018 I've supported hundreds of coaching clients in transforming their lives, I've served thousands of students through my online offerings, and I've created content that has reached tens of thousands of humans. I've built financial wealth on a foundation of well-being, by becoming a more authentic and expressed version of me, by following my heArt and making art of my life.

All while... moving to sunny Los Angeles, meeting a community of like-heArted friends that have become family, falling in love with my husband, moving into our dream home next door to our best friends, having three (!!!) babies in 13 months, resolving trauma that healing practices alone couldn't touch by showing up for love and changing  not only my life but the trajectory of my entire lineage; having a freakin blast along the way while lighting the path for other women to do the same. Like... WHAT?

Your life is not Defined by what happens to you, but rather Designed by what you make of every happening.

-Bryanna Dee

Spend a year holistically supported by Bryanna and a group of like-heArted humans for a year of revolutionary evolution in your Self and in every area of your life. In The (R)Evolution you receive LIFETIME access to all masterclasses and courses that exist during your enrollment plus 2x live coaching sessions per month... and more. ;)

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