I don’t say this in hyperbole.
I am a woman who spent most of her life to-date wondering if she was worthy of the air in her lungs.
I spent my teens and twenties in and out of psychological crisis. (In response to very real crisis in my life.)
Harming myself physically and emotionally.
Hating my very existence.
Nearly ending it, on multiple occasions.
When I say that transformational work is my life’s purpose, I mean, quite literally, these messages I share… and my past self knowing that someday I would share my transformations from “the other side”… is why I am alive.
I don’t speak of transformation or awakening I have just read in a book or learned in a program.
I share what I have lived. What has kept me alive.
I don’t speak of “co-creating your reality” as some esoteric concept of possibilities…
I speak of it as the axiom that made me who I am now and made my life what it is now.
I speak of it as the core of my personal liberation.
From the patterns of chaos, violence, abuse, and gaslighting that painted the tapestry of my psyche in my younger years…
That created the world as I knew it…
To the world I know now, as I have (painstakingly at times) co-created it to become.
My life is magical now in ways I couldn’t have even known how to dream of years ago.
Much in my life has become easy. In ease. Wildly abundant and overflowing with love. And continually getting better.
But it has not always been this way.
To the contrary.
I believe so whole heartedly in the power of human potential and transformation because there is not one area of my life that remains unchanged.
I really can’t imagine a better way to spend my life than sharing that with others.
And I am grateful to still be alive, to have the opportunity to do so.
Some world mental health day musings I felt called to share with y’all.
Instagram post here