Where to look when you’ve achieved a lot & it never feels like enough / you don’t feel like enough
Most deep heArted, spiritually connected humans who also have big ambition and material dreams limit their growth by either:
When you’re willing to devote yourself to mastery, which is what creates simplicity and ease…
There’s the game of business that requires you to sacrifice your well-being in pursuit of material success… and then there’s the game of business that deeply fulfills and frees you *while* you build material success.
Your belief in yourself and in what you’re building, your emotional intelligence that allows you to learn and grow strategically, your embodied knowing of and conviction in who you are…
Strategy is your vehicle. Pick a smart one. But never forget that you are The One driving it.
When the “social media is fake, here’s what I hide from you” trend was going around The ‘Gram I couldn’t help but wonder…
Your life is not Defined by what happens to you, but rather Designed by what you make of every happening. -Bryanna Dee
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Your life is not Defined by what happens to you, but rather Designed by what you make of every happening. -Bryanna Dee
the latest on the 'gram