This was my intention for creating our wedding weekend.
More than just putting on a pretty show… I desired to create an alchemical, expansive, soul healing experience.
For me, my lover, and every single person who joined us.
And holy wow did that happen.
Beyond what I even envisioned.
My mind is truly blown.
I have so many stories to share about the experience…
Once I find the words.
Right now, I’m still bathing in the alchemical soup of it all.
But I will say:
This experience changed the fabric of P & I as individuals.
It wove us together as a family.
It deepened and expanded our already profoundly connected community of friends/soul family.
It rippled healings into our families of origin that leave me with my jaw on the floor.
And I can tell you why.
We approached our wedding the same way we approach life.
We committed to the vision and then chose to see every seeming “obstacle” that arose in the process as an ~opportunity~ to choose something new for all.
Instead of buying old stories about what any limitations that appeared might mean, we looked to the energetics beneath them and did the inner work to meet them in a new way.
And *poof* like magic, the obstacles dissolved and an even-better-than-we-imagined option surfaced.
Every. Fucking. Time.
It was wild.
And… let me tell you… it was a lot.
Energetically. Emotionally.
We big time strettttched our capacities and recoded our identities to make it happen.
We cleared old shit to make way for the new chapter we were claiming.
With every contraction we chose to make space for more love, abundance, magic, miracles.
We led by example of our Beingness and watched how life (& other humans) moved to meet us.
I feel like a mother fucking love sorcerresssssss, y’all!
This experience feels bigger than any/everything I have co-created thus far.
With my HUSBAND!
Infinitely grateful for the team who brought our vision to life.
Especially our rockstar wedding planner @artandsoulevents whose Aries, Generator energy actually made it happen.
Instagram post here