Creating more of those feelings in your body…
Dread, disappointment, sad, anxious, shut down, etc…
Accidentally attuning to the reality you wish to avoid…
You can use your creative power to imagine everything that might go the way you desire in life…
Creating more of those feelings in your body…
Desire, magic, faith, joy, possibility, etc…
Intentionally attuning to the reality you dream of creating.
Sometimes it’s as simple as making a choice.
Accessing your personal power and saying, enough. I choose something else. And then consciously redirecting your awareness/thoughts/feelings in each moment.
Sometimes it’s not that simple.
Sometimes making a choice about what you imagine, what you think, how you feel seems… impossible.
And it’s not because you’re not powerful enough, good enough, or anything else enough.
In those moments, there is still a path to choice…
Instead of just believing that it is impossible for you to think, feel, Be anew in this life…
Settling for that which seems reasonable, practical, likely based on what you “know” about your Being…
You can choose to begin exploring the matrix of beliefs in your mind, feeling the feelings in your body, becoming aware of what’s living underneath the surface (in the subconscious) of your Being—what’s actually driving the ship and hindering your ability to consciously choose anew…
Excavating your personal power to create who you Be, what you Do, what you Have…
By cultivating your Subconscious Self Mastery.
I believe that this is the most important work a human can do in their life.
This is the real work required to design the life && business of your dreams…
No matter how far it seems in any given moment, everything you dream of is just a series of choices away.
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