I used to think that these dimensions of my Being conflicted with each other…
That I couldn’t go after all of my dreams… that I had to keep them smaller than I actually wanted to…
Because my super sensitive, psychic, Projector system couldn’t keep up.
I have huge dreams and love to move really fast in pursuit of them. 🚀
But my sensitivity often asks me to slow down and be present with… all of me.
I thought I had to choose between the two
Really go for it—move fast for my external.
Or really honor my energy, emotions, space—slow down for my internal.
Over the last 5 years of building my online business I’ve had the privilege of unpacking how untrue this belief I used to hold is.
Through lived experience, I’ve discovered that my heightened sensitivity actually supercharges my ability to actualize my ambitions.
It’s through my intentional slowing down internally that I move really fucking fast externally.
It may not look like I’m moving for a moment, but then BOOM I’ve ~quantum leapt~ before your eyes. 👀
Because I’m so sensitive *and so committed to honoring my sensitivity*, I’m attuning with the whole field of information in any given situation.
Instead of overriding my feelings, I slow down to really sift through what’s present before moving… I work with whatever comes up… take my time to realign…
And then…
When I decide to move, I’m so dialed in, my movement is precise as fuck. Potent. Powerful. Productive.
It’s actually because of the combo of my expansive dreams + deep sensitivity that I live and move with an intelligence & intentionality that is unstoppable.
So of course I will Be, Do, Have All I desire.
And my All is BIG, y’all.
🪞 A love note for my other super sensitives who may feel limited by… your superpower.
Instagram post here