Wealthy Well-Being (Well-th)

It takes less than 1 minute for everything in your life to change.

February 5, 2023

1 phone call. 1 unexpected run in. 1 different turn on the road. 1 yes from a new client. 1 yes on a pregnancy test. All it takes is… 1… for your entire life to change.

I'm Bryanna!

I'm Bryanna—Mama of 3 Under 2, Mentor, heArtist, Entrepreneur, and Mirror of Possibility. ;) Embodiment is the name of the game in my world. All of my work is intended to invite you into deeper embodiment and more expansive creative choice in all that you Be, Do, and Have... so you can live and create into your deepest desires and highest potential.


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This podcast is for entrepreneurs who are as ambitious as they are deep, who know they are meant for BIG things, who are unwilling to compromise their heArt in pursuit of any goal, and who know that you don’t have to. You can, in fact, have it all. When you let Love lead the way.

Image of woman's head, up in trees

1 phone call. 1 unexpected run in. 1 different turn on the road. 1 yes from a new client. 1 yes on a pregnancy test. All it takes is… 1… for your entire life to change. For the way you story… It All… to be New. For the way you feel in It All to be New. For who you Be & what you Do & Have to be New. For all of your intelligent plans and expectations of them… to crumble. Into an unexpected, divine plan. That is bigger and beautiful than you could have ever dreamt for yourself. The meaning you’re making of your life/business/*insert circumstance here* right now is rarely as “real” as you think it is. Just 1 moment, 1 happening, 1 piece of information… can change… everything. The most powerful co-creators I know are masterful at the art of balancing sovereignty and surrender. Of choosing how they show up, holding the vision, really going for It All… while also holding so much space to be surprised, keeping an open mind and flexible nervous system… allowing God’s plan to lead their plan.

I’ve had many moments of 1 that rewrote my life story and set me on a new path forward.

The news of my mom’s death. The breakup. The acceptance letter to my dream law school across the country. The call offering me the “dream job”. The news I failed the CA bar exam… by ONE question… and realized I felt free. The first message I got from a client saying “I’m In!”

The first pregnancy test that said yes. The miscarriage. The second pregnancy test that said yes. The moment I heard my son’s cry for the first time.

And most recently… the third pregnancy test that said yes… that feels way too fucking soon for so many “logical” reasons… yet somehow feels perfectly, divinely on time.

So yeah. That just happened. 2 days after announcing (on stories) my new program, Multidimensional Mama, where we will spend a year together evolving into the Mama that knows she can Be, Do, and Have It All… artfully, in wholeness, through choice and compromise, but never in the vibe of sacrifice. We owe our Self and our families so much more than that. Gone are the days of blaming our children for our unfulfilled dreams. Here are the days of choosing, owning, living The Dream.

I designed this offering to be a year (!!) so that we have time to grow together. When mapping the curriculum, I felt that I was going to learn a lot more that I will want to share in the coming year, so I wanted to leave space for whatever else came through.

I obviously had no fucking clue THIS was coming through… by becoming a mama of 2 under 2… while running a rapidly growing 7 figure business and prioritizing my relationship and staying engaged in community and spending time with my Self and woooooah. Life has gotten, and continues to get, real fuckin real.

But I’m here for it. All of it. I love the challenge. I love seeing what I’m made of. Who I get to Choose to Become. And I love sharing it with y’all as I do. Inviting y’all to join me. 🪞

Mamas. I’ve never felt so clear. Y’all are my purpose. The evolution of the feminine and of family is my purpose. The money, the freedom, the rest of it… is just the fuel. For what we are *really* here for.

Another New Beginning.

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Your life is not Defined by what happens to you, but rather Designed by what you make of every happening. -Bryanna Dee

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Your life is not Defined by what happens to you, but rather Designed by what you make of every happening. -Bryanna Dee

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