While these two girls simultaneously create me.
The death and rebirth portal of this pregnancy has been unlike anything I’ve experienced in this wild, alchemical life I have already lived. I’ve been perpetually lingering in the liminal space where I’m not quite sure who I am now… reminiscing on who I once was… planting seeds for who I imagine I can become…
Living in Surrender to the divine reconfiguration of my Self and my Life… while simultaneously showing up in empowered Sovereignty of who I Be as I walk through the fog.
Raising my son in presence. Deepening in intimacy with my husband. Staying connected with my community; learning to both ask for and receive more support from The Ones who know and love me most. Supporting my clients. Expanding my business. Leading my team. Evaluating our net worth and future planning / legacy building. Staying hydrated. Rested. Nourished.
Holy Fucking Shit the spiritual and material juggling act of motherhood and entrepreneurship in this season is A LOT. But so am I. 😉 One thing I’ve never been called this lifetime is boring LoL. So I am Here. For. It. All.
Even on the days I feel like I’m holding on for dear life… of which there are many lately… I wouldn’t change a thing. I love who I’m Becoming through this all.
I’m turned on by the *process* of growth (not just the *product* of what I get from growing—something that gets seriously twisted in personal growth spaces).
I’m in love with the journey of Becoming and the privilege of experiencing the full range of feeling and Being and discovering what I’m really made of in in this lifetime… and can imagine no other way of living.
And I salivate in my knowing of what is waiting on the other side of this portal. In complete certainty that it is better than I can even imagine it will be.
Havingness, Love, Wealth beyond my wildest dreams.
Because I choose. And I show up for it all. As It All. The Depths & The Heights.
The Woman. The Wife. The Mother. The heArtist. The Mentor. The CEO. The Wealthy One.
In service to Life. Love. Liberation.
While allowing Life, Love, Liberation to serve me.
Instagram post here