Intentionally forgetting 99% of the advice and opinions I hear.
I am only interested in the advice or opinions of people who are a living embodiment of what I desire to Be, Do, Have. Because I know it is not “normal” to Be, Do, and Have the life I desire; to live at the level of creative choice & havingness that feels true to my soul …Unless I choose to normalize it.
Which I have done (quite effectively) over the years by tuning into the perspective of others who are already living it as their normal. And tuning out of the perspective of these who aren’t.
I know that my mental, energetic, and emotional capacity is the most valuable asset I have.
Especially as a 7 fig CEO & Mom to 3 under 2.
I don’t have the time, energy, or desire to be filtering through different advice or opinions; to be running misaligned *to my desires* information & energies through my sensitive system.
So I’ve made it easy and have set this guideline, standard for when I take input in and when I just politely listen and nod while intentionally forgetting everything that was just relayed. 😉 (Which, to be clear, only happens if I’m being offered unsolicited advice/opinions. Since I’ve only asked for your input if I want to receive it. Anyone else notice how quick people are to offer their *hot take* without considering whether you actually want it or not? Just me??)
I’ve been told this is extreme. But I don’t see it that way. I see it as an exercise in creative choice.
There are infinite ways to live, to create in this life. There is no right or wrong, better or worse, per se.
Just… aligned to your soul desires & creative callings… or not.
Choose accordingly. Your life reflects your choices.
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