Made me.
Bigger. Brighter. Bolder. Better.
Stronger. Wiser. Clearer.
More patient, loving, kind, and generous.
In real time.
I won’t require healing/recovering/integrating from this series of quite intense experiences (so much more than I’ve shared online, like woah).
I’ve been doing it all in real time.
LIVING the transformation.
As the agent of transformation.
As Alchemist && Alchemy.
Choosing joy through & showing up big for It All.
Which is, I believe, the truest testament to my work as a transformational coach, mentor, guide.
(I believe you are your most important client – if you aren’t LIVING what you’re preaching, your teachings fall flat. No matter how well versed they are.)
This is also the truest testament to my Self; to the depths of which I have embodied my Power To Choose, To Become.
Who I’ve Become this lifetime… in many ways… makes no sense.
What I’ve created in my life && in my business… in many ways… makes no sense.
But It All makes perfect sense when you understand the Alchemy of Becoming,
The power of Self Mastery (masterful relationship with Self),
to create actualization not just internally, but in everything you touch.
In the world you experience and co-create.
One where Self actualization becomes material actualization.
One where you feel your power to Do & Have whatever you desire *because of* who you Be & who you are willing to Become.
My foundational offering, Subconscious Self Mastery…
The space where I offer a living path to healing, Becoming, Self actualizing & expressing…
A space where I have walked over 200 magical humans into their own journey of Empowered Becoming…
Is opening for enrollment again.
As soon as my daughter, Willow, arrives home from the Nicu.
Tune into stories for more.
Thanks for being here. In all the ways here means.
ILY. 🦋🦋🦋
Instagram post here