My heArt serves humanity through the vehicle that is my business.
But only from overflow. From what my heArt *actually* has to give.
No posturing or performing or pressuring myself into work or service that doesn’t feel alive and has hustle or martyr vibes.
I don’t move until Love moves me.
Love for my Self. Love for the work itself. Love for my humans. Love for the process. Love of Life.
If Love doesn’t move, neither do I.
This isn’t about only moving conditionally.
It’s about moving intentionality and integrity and attuning to what actually matters to me. Which is, first and foremost… Love.
I used to wonder if I was too fickle, too fluffy in my devotion to Love.
But I’ve learned
Love moves mountains.
Love makes millions.
And when you devote your life to Love
It moves you more than you could even dream
Sometimes I move so fast you don’t even see me coming
But usually that’s the illusion
Usually I’ve been moving slow as molasses but focused and intentional as a laser… so when I arrive… it’s 🚀🚀🚀🚀
Quantum Leaps actually begin s l o w
In the integrity & depth of the process
That creates focused intentional unstoppable alignment and overflowing life force energy 😎
Instead of forced results that siphon off your life force energy and lean to burn out and identity crisis 🛑
Instagram post here