My highest cash month before Wes was born was $63k. The month I returned from mat leave I made $190k. With multiple 6 fig months following.
This didn’t come from changing anything structurally in my business. I was selling the same things as before, in the same way as before.
What was different was… me.
My identity.
& the fucks I didn’t have left to give after walking through the initiatory portal of maiden —> mother.
So – the way I showed up.
Momentum has continued in this frequency in my business ever since…
Even as I fell pregnant with the twins 6 months later and had a gnarly pregnancy that landed me in emergency surgery to save my girls lives then 2.5 mos in the hospital for me then 2.5 mos of the girls in the nicu. 🥵
My business changed during that season. I wasn’t actively creating, teaching, selling as I did before. But business carried on & money continued rolling in. (Thank you MRR && team / automations! && thank you me for designing my biz with such intention.)
Long term clients and I dropped in deeper and grew big together. I had the greatest opportunity to lead by example, showing up big for them through challenge and also knowing when it was time to reconfigure prior commitments to be true to the moment.
Also bts… I invested in refining & elevating everything. Team, systems, marketing, body of work, brand. Things y’all are still only just barely beginning to see 😉… that are already paying off in a big leap && are going to continue paying off in big ways, for years to come.
I CHOSE expansion during one of the greatest contractions of my life.
I continually learn how to hold more. How to BE more.
I am willing to play the long game.
Not just trusting but KNOWING steady growth gets to stay *and* another quantum leap is inevitable. When I choose to do the work/hold the energy no matter what.
^^^this is what most are unwilling to do.
They want instant results to validate not only their work but their sense of Self.
But that’s backwards.
Design YOU first.
Let life’s challenges truly mold you into more and… success beyond your wildest imaginings is inevitable.
Instagram post here