First, some context.
Embodiment = Union of your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual body.
Put in practical terms… you are embodied when what you think, feel, believe, say, do, and feel spiritually called to are all… the same. Aligned. In Union.
First, some context.
Embodiment = Union of your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual body.
It’s actually quite simple.
And doesn’t require nearly as much as so many people on the interwebs make it seem.
(Especially since embodiment has been a buzz word in the healing arts over the past few years &&& complicating the how becomes a cash cow. 😉 A side bar convo we’ll dive deep into… another time. 🌀)
Some of the most embodied humans I know don’t have an embodiment practice. They wouldn’t label themselves a spiritual person. They aren’t dancing on the internet in their underwear or interpretive dancing their feelings to you.
They just… choose to live in congruence. They are authentic in their expression. They take risks for what’s real for them. They trust their Self && create life according to their vision & their desires. And let it be… that simple.
Where the healing arts come into play… where tools and practices and strategies for embodiment become useful… is where wounding keeps you locked out of trusting your truth or knowing your creative power.
The point of practice is to come back into union with Self. Which is union with God.
Not to create a new identity (persona) around being an embodied / conscious / spiritual / whatever person … lolz … then using the tools and practices and strategies dogmatically, which ultimately keeps you locked out of the mind-body-heart-soul-spirit connection that is innately inherently yours. If you listen and trust.
The “how” to be an embodied person…
Be fkn honest.
About what you think, feel, believe, desire.
Act, create your life, in accordance with your honest sensibilities.
Develop emotional intelligence to side step the shame and wounding that keeps you locked out of sharing your honesty and to support you in being a kind human as you interact with other humans who disagree with you and may react poorly to your honesty. Do you anyway.
Rinse & repeat.
Instagram post here