Long before entrepreneurship, the version of me who learned how to snowboard at 19 then 3 weeks later moved to Colorado and joined a snowboard team 😂 training with Olympic athletes as a n00b. I was the first and last one off the mountain every day. Fierce in my conviction & courage, developed confidence along the way. (Lots of falls on the head later.)
Before that! The 17 year old version of me who was flunking high school and decided to apply to an advance studies program for high school students at Oxford University, believing that my writing skills could get me there, got there with a scholarship and spent a summer in Europe discovering that there’s a big incredible world outside of the chaos of my family life and maybe, just maybe, I could leverage education to create more for my life. Senior year of high school took a full load + night classes while working full time to graduate by a haaaiirrr, still not qualified to apply to any colleges so decided I’d go to community college and build my way up 🤌🏻
Or the 21 year old that spent a summer working, volunteering, studying in South Africa… introduced to the power of the law for human rights as I learned about the building process of the South African constitution after the end of apartheid… from Africa applied to change my major from psych to poli sci and transfer to a new school that better positioned me to go to law school.
From an almost high school drop out to a law school graduate with accolades… delulu
6 mos after graduating law school left my legal career in pursuit of a dream I didn’t see but felt, knew, believed in my core was possible.
Started a podcast for the joy of it. “Accidentally” got my first coaching client. Dove eyeballs first into business and marketing, with just the dream of matching my legal salary ($45k) … 4 years later made that much in a single day. Have made more than that in a day since. Multiple times. DELULU
I could go on and on and on… this is the life for ME. And this is the life my clients all come to me to enhance
My signature offering DELULU is liiiiiive baby. DM for more 😘
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