Give me 5 mins with a person and I’ll tell you what they’re really thinking, believing, feeling, doing in their life by – their posture, the subtle ways they move, the way they breathe; the ways they actually embody their body.
(A decade of leading yoga & Pilates & gyrotonic & breathwork classes taught me more than just fitness — I got to see how patterns in human thoughts, feelings, beliefs, behaviors show up in bodies uppppp close and personal. Some of the deepest education I’ve ever received, that profoundly impacted the way I see & work with the subconscious.)
The way you feed yourself = the way you nourish yourself
The way you show up to move your body (or don’t) = the way you show up to move your life (or don’t)
The way you breathe = the way you use (or lose) life force energy
The posture you hold tells the stories of the beliefs you embody (hiiiii so much more than just not slouching or practicing the “power pose” – there’s info in the alignment of every joint in your body, in every fiber of your fascia, that can’t be faked)
The tenseness in your shoulders = the emotional burdens you bear, the weight you carry in the world
That tightness in your hips = decades (generations?) of wound up feeeeeeelings
You literally wear your stress on your skin
Does your heart enter a space before your head does? Or are you a head forward kinda person? Or head down???
The heartache you physically feel… the gut instinct that stops you in your tracks…
And more more more more
Your body knows the truth before your thoughts take form
Your cells carry your frequency
Your frequency becomes your reality
Your subconscious is so much more than your mind
It is your body, your heArt, the portal to your soul… the gatekeeper of everything you dream of and desire 💎
Instagram post here