The internet has made this glaringly clear, no?
“How dare you say that thing I disagree with!” “How dare you live in a way that’s not my preference!” “How dare you value things I don’t!”
“You are a bad person if you think/say that!” (<<<hi, this is actually shaming someone. The amount of content online about “shamey marketing” that is… so shamey. 🤔 Shaming = making a *human* bad or wrong because of what they think/believe/do, versus just disagreeing with their thought/belief/behavior. So much more to this conversation, a post of its own, yiiikes.)
There’s this undercurrent of…
You’re not allowed to think, feel, be different than me.
A real zinger… a lot of time these are the humans who will preach tolerance of diversity in other things – religion, race, class, etc.
But just absolutely can’t deal with diversity of perspective desire values lifestyle.
Yo. How motherfuckin boring would our world be if it was homogeneous?
There’s wisdom in every perspective. Even (probs especially) in the ones you hate. 😇
Imagine what we’d be able to create if we were able to come together with our differences and actually learn from each other. In a grounded, regulated, intelligent way. Without shaming, casting each other out for… having a different background, experience, perspective, approach to life.
Or if… at the very least… we could just agree to disagree and carry on with our life without the need to correct or condemn someone else in theirs.
Instagram post here