An aliveness that is unique *to* It. An aliveness that is unique *from* you. Even as your Aliveness pours into It.
You are not your business (what sweet relief differentiation is for those who unconsciously associate YOUR value with your business’s value… trying to prove your worth by building something you perceive as worthy… looking to the outside world to fill the void within that it can never fill… never reeeeally getting to experience the freedom and fulfillment that comes from building from an inner well of well-being and overflow and creative inspiration that you just have to give because it’s ALLIIIIIIIVE)
Your business has it’s own consciousness, energy, life force, aliveness
You are a steward of that—the vessel this consciousness chose to come through creatively.
Your business will need you in different capacities as it ages
Just like human babies 🙂
Infants require a different kind of attention, input, output than teenagers do
The quality of attention and energetic input/output you devote to your infant… drives and determines the quality of relationship you have with the teenager, and the quality of relationship the teenager has with the world
Young businesses require different stewardship than mature ones… and mature businesses function and survive or thrive based on how you built them when they were young and how you’ve grown with them/adjusted as you do…
Ya feel where I’m going with this.
It’s all consciousness
It’s all relationship
It’s all heArt
And action taken from the embodiment of the above… or from the unconscious wounding, performing, proving, pushing that keeps you locked in the surface of who you truly are and what you’re here to become, create, experience.
Instagram post here