<< what the first 6 weeks of motherhood landed in my field, embodied in my Being more deeply than ever before.
Presence. Not wanting to let a moment slip away, even when exhausted and waking up for a 3am feed. Narrowing my focus in life and business. Quality > Quantity. More Potency in all areas. (Another P word! 😉)
Patience. With myself most of all. To let myself take my time as I step into this new role, this new life. This Aries likes to go 0-60 real quick but recovering from surgery && breastfeeding && not sleeping much && having a new baby is demanding that I slooooow down even as I move fast. 😉 Allowing more support to hold me, as I hold so much more. An uplevel I am currently obsessed with.
Power. To choose who I Be as I navigate this new terrain. To choose the meaning I make out of (&& thus what I do with) each challenge I’m presented.
Purpose. I’ve never felt so lit up or fueled by purpose in my life. I’m more clear than ever before about who I’m Being, what I’m doing, and why.
I returned to work last week with this newly embodied Presence, Patience, Power, Purpose, Potency…
Feeling more connected with & excited about my work and the women in it with me…
Feeling more pride in who I Be and how I hold it all.
On the backend of this deepening & expanding of my Being, as I returned to work I had my largest day in business to date.
$71k in one day. 🤯 More than I made in the annual salary of my legal career.
I was feeling into a $100k month for August and with the snap of a finger am now feeling into a $200k mo.
This life and business blows my mind.
And at the same time… of course.
I’ve been standing for this, aligning to it, creating it energetically long before it materialized.
So much more to be said.
For now I’ll just say, I’m celebrating so much more than the $.
I’m celebrating how I’ve walked with my Self & my business… who I’ve become on this journey… what this means for me as a new mother.
I’m celebrating the pure alignment of all success in my life…
Knowing this is still just the beginning.
Instagram post here