…Because it all always exists.
Life is dynamic and complicated and becomes even more so as you add more (people, things, responsibilities, whatever) to your life.
Energetically speaking…
There is a flip side to everything you desire to have in this life.
With the greatest love comes the greatest risk of heartache,
With the greatest success comes the greatest risk of failure,
And so on.
If you cannot hold the flip side of what you desire… if you cannot bear the risk…
Your Being will block the desire from arriving.
You will not be a match for your desire.
No matter how bad you think you want it.
Your energetic capacity to Be with, to walk with, to hold *all* experiences and textured sensations in life will either welcome more in, or shut more out.
You must be able to hold the highs and lows in tandem.
And it’s worth saying…
This doesn’t have to be as hard or scary as it may sound.
Your human doesn’t have to hold it all, all alone.
You get to have support in holding it all.
💎 A lot of it.
But it still all starts with you. Always
You have to be able to hold (have space to receive) the support too. 🤯
^^that one is a big breakthrough for some of you. Pause with it.
So, Beautiful Being…
You truly do get to have it all.
When you Become willing to hold it all.
Good, Bad, Beautiful, Ugly.
With Gratitude & Grace.
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