2022 was, in many ways, a series of deaths and rebirths for me. As it was for many. But that doesn’t feel like anything new over here. I’ve been surfing the waves of Self for 2 decades and have built intimate relationship with surrender, descend, dissolve, rebirth, rise. It’s taken profound work (internal and external) to get where I am now. I‘ve already overcome and transcended so much, I’m confident in my capacity to overcome and transcend whatever else comes my way. I *walk with* uncertainty, fear, challenge, and conflict with an open heart and cheeky grin.
Another year of mind-bending business growth. More in love with my work and the humans I’m privileged to work with. Travel.
The wealthiest year of my life. Holistically. In all dimensions.
Also an initiation. Pregnancy portal. Depthful healing. Expansive growth. Lessons just as big as the wins. Navigating postpartum. Sleep deprivation. Leading myself through new edges… balancing the transition into motherhood and stoking the flame of my romance and stewarding a rapidly growing business and staying open to/engaged in my overflowing social life… all at once.
I’m living in such expansive alignment with my life force energy and empowered choice in my Being-Doing-Having these days… it takes a fuck ton to throw me off center.
This is the dance that I believe really keeps us in the seat of conscious co-creator… this is the elemental resilience that allows us to meet life in a way that organically evokes and magnetizes our wildest abundant desires and dreams.
🌊 A willingness to dive into our unconscious waters..
💎 To do the depthful work…
🌌 Connected to expansive vision..
❤️🔥 In service to alchemical evolution.
Choosing who we Be/Become in every spiral.
This is true Self Mastery.
In masterful relationship with Self.
Not so life looks or feels “easy” or “perfect” in whatever way you’ve been conditioned to believe it “should”. (The Fantasy)
Rather, so that life looks and feels like YOURS. Your soul, expressed. Your whole Being, Liberated. Alive and aligned, even through the storms. (The Dream)
Grateful to be living mine. 🪞
Instagram post here