… and quickly realized that what they taught felt like trash to *my* nervous system, to my Artist heart and soul.
In 2019 I walked away.
I decided to focus on guidance that mirrored me back to me and supported me in finding my own way in business.
I committed to taking whatever time my soul required to create my business in my alignment. Which sometimes involved learning more about strategy. But *always* involved learning more about me.
^this approach made all the difference.
This way of Being>Doing felt so hard then. I had a lot to grow into… so it was a lot!
At the time, I watched as peers who stayed in the “expert” containers that I left made a lot of money, faster, with *seemingly* less effort.
As I put in a lot of effort and grew at a rate that felt so slow.
My ego hated that.
I often wondered if I wasn’t being supportable? If I was making it harder than it had to be? Couldn’t I juuuussst choose the “easier” path?
But my soul felt clear that I had to build this way. A quiet wisdom within me told me that this was the real work required for my bigger vision. That I had to actually grow into The One Who could hold my vision.
So I just kept moving. Every single day.
Focusing on my alignment *first* and then 1-3 daily aligned action steps that would actually move the needle.
Over the next few years, as my business continued to grow 3-8x each year… as I continued to fall more deeply in love with my life and with the work I do and the way I do it… I watched as the peers who had made money way faster than me began sharing about their experience with losing their identity, burning out, etc… I watched as they began to release the ways they were doing business in search for a new way.
I received divine confirmation as some of them came back and hired me. ❤️🔥
*The hard work of growing into the life and business you envision… is the easy way in the long run.*
When your Being and Doing become congruent, alignment takes over effort and your results organically skyrocket.
It All begins within.🪞
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