Wild, illogical growth… that also makes perfect sense.
Complete transformation in every area of my life and business, my well-being and wealth.
It’s truly a miracle that I Be Do and Have this life and business.
And It all happened faster than I could have imagined it would.
Because of how I have showed up for It All.
In Radical, Revolutionary ways.
My vision. My drive. My receptivity. My willingness. My courage. My resilience. My heArt. The depths and expanse of my spirit. All poured into all I create.
Through continual focus on my Being, I’ve mastered the Doing that has created worlds of Having.
This is the Revolution.
🐉 to create effortlessness… through effort.
⚡️ to choose ease… when circumstances are far from easy.
💎 to slow waaaayyyy doooowwn… again and again… to create rapid *aligned* results.
❤️🔥 to keep your nervous system grounded through the inherent instability of true transformation & conscious co-creation.
🪞 to lovingly, wholly unbind Self from the conditions and expectations and projections of others
💋 to show up for the real (usually scary AF) inner work required to co-create an external reality that feels truly, madly, and deeply like your own.
🔑 to remain Rooted in Self as you Rise in the world.
💪🏻 to walk with the duality, polarity of having and holding ((your definition of)) It All.
🔮 to powerfully and proudly stand for your deepest desires and most expansive abundance in this lifetime.
It takes a Revolutionary Being to walk with life and business this way.
In full, holistic, multidimensional Beingness.
I’ve walked and continue to walk my Self through my own Revolution.
And in my embodied wisdom, I have the joy, honor, privilege of walking with other Revolutionary Beings in my work… leading, witnessing, holding, celebrating them as they revolutionize their own life, business, well-being, and wealth.
It’s radical work that is not for everyone… but for the ones it is for… fuuucck do we fly. 🚀
Instagram post here