Nobody else has the map for your life or business. The most powerful guides will always mirror you back to you and support you in paving your own path. Then from a place of sovereign congruence… you’re empowered in your path and they’re empowered in theirs… your mentor can offer wisdom from their experience/their path and potential tools/strategies you could use to help you pave your path with more ease *and you can actually receive it without abandoning your Self/Soul purpose.* This is the magic of mentorship. In its purest form of intimate collaboration and co-creation.
If you hire a mentor with the desire that they roll out the golden path for you… with a(n often unconscious) belief that your results come through them… you have just abandoned your soul’s path to try to hitch a ride on someone else’s. This always backfires. Either in the container when your mentor remains in their sovereign congruence and continues to reflect this to you… or down the road when you burn out and realize you left your path for someone else’s and didn’t actually create the life or business that’s true to your Soul, your Being, your Essence. This is life’s way of launching you back onto your path.
We are all walking uncharted territory. Each of us have unique desires, dreams, personal histories, ancestral histories, privileges, support structures, karma, dharma, fate… and so on. No matter how similar two humans/paths may be, they are each their own unique landscape, terrain.
Think of your mentor not as the one laying out your path, but as the one shining a flashlight so you can see more clearly where you are, and handing you tools that help you more effectively traverse your terrains and weather your storms as you pave your path.
This is the way of the soul-led Being. Those of us designing a life/business beyond mental constructs / societal programming.
The true artists, innovators, visionaries, revolutionaries that live in devotion to our deepest calling and highest potential… and are unwilling to sacrifice either for anything. Not fast results, big money, popularity, or any external validation that comes at the cost of sovereign Soul co-creation.
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