… and have continued to walk, even deeper and wider, since saying Yes to Life Together.
Our Yes was the beginning of radical transformation and profound manifestations in both of our lives. I’m talking, wild timeline collapses… Life moving at warrrp speed… shaking out the old and teleporting in the new… true Soul Alchemy in action.
^I’ve seen this time and time again; the rapid evolution of Life from Love. Mountains moving, stars aligning to support two souls destined and deciding to join in Sacred Union.
Which doesn’t mean there isn’t work put into it. Far from it. Like the greatest things in life, this relationship and life we have built together has taken a lot of our intention, energy, effort. Blood, sweat, tears. And still has been the easiest, clearest, truest Yes I’ve known. The most valiant cause. One of the best co-creations of my life. That has bore the juiciest fruit.
The thing is… I feel this way about my business too. And my most intimate circle of friends. And the home we live in. The things we have in this home. The spaces I spend time in. The clients I serve. The mentors I work with. And… well… literally everything in this life I’ve designed, as Me and through Us. (Our son is a category all of his own. The sun of our solar system.)
It’s not perfect. But I’m wildly in love with It All. I chose It All. Fully. Completely. With all of me. And all of the mess.
Holistically, my life is so epically aligned to ME, in line with my soul, I’m here for It All. Good, Bad, Beautiful, Ugly.
This is
Holistic Well-Being.
Holistic Wealth.
That begins before and goes far beyond money or material.
Havingness that is generated from your internal experience of Life and organically, cosmically pours over into the external.
It’s a choice. Well… it’s a series of choices, made day after day, year after year… that add up seemingly slowly until all of a sudden you look back and wonder HOW? But also… of course.
ILY P. Thanks for choosing me, us.
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