Both are equally true.
Ultimate Truth lies in your capacity to consciously choose.
Which is often easier said than done.
Especially in the face of mortality, tragedy, loss, abuse; the rock-you-to-your-core happenings.
But you still always have choice.
Not necessarily of how you feel (reactively), but of how you work *with* your feelings (responsively).
Not necessarily in what you think (reactively), but in how you work *with* your thinking (responsively).
This is where personal, emotional, spiritual, somatic growth comes into play.
Learning tools, developing the inner resources, expanding your energetic capacity to spend more time in response-ability and less time in reactivity.
Developing sovereignty in your experience and agency in your life.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.” -Viktor Frankl
((Man’s Search For Meaning was one of the pivotal life changing books for me. It set me on a new trajectory when I was a teenager. Highly recommend giving it a read.))
In my experience, it is always worth whatever effort is required to choose the meaning that leads you to the person you desire to Be, the life you feel called to live.
Unconditionally. “Illogically”. Unequivocally.
Becoming The One Who.
In my experience, the more effort (energy/attention) you put into the curation of your meaning-making, the more effortless living the life of your wildest dreams becomes.
It’s not easy. But you create Ease in the process of your Becoming. Which also makes you a match for a new experience, for the next season of happenings.
Oh, Life.
Lived and loved in perfect (albeit sometimes maddening) duality, polarity, harmony.
Magic, even amidst the mess.
Just to be Alive.
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