Instead, I engage with a practice of living as the embodiment of the solution. Here’s how >> Rather than focusing on the concrete of what is happening & what I could Do to “fix” that which I dislike & have deemed a problem… I shift my focus. I notice who I have been Being & then feel into who I would Be on “the other side” of this “problem”. How would I feel if I were already living the solution? How would that version of me think and act? How can I live into that Being, Now?
This zooms me out of the energy & embodiment of Problem… and tunes me into the energy & embodiment of Solution. Soul-ution. Which shifts the way I think / the information I am available to receive & inevitably reveals a grander solution than I would have originally cooked up. Every time.
This level of intentionality in co-creation transforms everything. Radically. Rapidly. This is the How beneath the, “but how?!”
Where you place your focus, attention, energy, is where you are co-creating your future, Now.
The more you practice the embodiment of problem,
The bigger and more resilient your problems seem to be.
The more you practice the embodiment of solution,
The bigger and more resilient your solutions seem to be.
And that’s the reality you begin to live into. Through your aligned actions, but of course.
Oh so simple. Not so easy. But you can learn to create Ease in the process. Through practice.
ILY. 💎
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