We are all recovering. So far, all is well.
The next chapter of our birth story has begun—life in the NICU. And our now family of 5 🤯 is entering a liminal space… a space between what was and what will be… where I’ll be home (with my baby boy again 😭) but they’ll still be here.
Heart. Broken. Open.
These two have already taken me on the wildest journey of my life. Our whole lives have been flipped upside down for the last 7 months… and I imagine… won’t be flipping back.
Thank y’all for being with me on this wild ride. (I’ve mostly shared on stories, where most of you tune in.)
My work has been a grounding force and nourishing for my soul through this transformation. I truly have the most epic humans in my world and am infinitely grateful to be able to show up and share and create and connect through this all. In a way that feels true to and honoring of my Being and my family.
Amidst all the unknown of this chapter of life, I feel more clear than ever about my work in this world, my personal mission on this planet. My vision for this business & where we are flying to together next is crystalline.
And. As always. There’s no rush.
We’re both Already There && Getting There at the same time.
Magic has been happening BTS… and I’ll be bringing it more forward here as I feel the timing land.
I’ve built this business slow & sustainably over the past 6 years… while experiencing fast, wild success… at a cadence that is true to the depths of my soul.
This is part of what it means *to me* to Have It All.
It’s all already here.
And I’m standing for, moving towards my wildest desires of More.
While in presence & gratitude of the fullness of Now.
Even as, especially when, Life presents challenges that seemingly contrast my desires.
Seeing through the illusion.
Standing for my vision.
Showing up in congruence with my whole human.
In alignment with the season I’m in.
&&& the one I’m consciously co-creating next.
The space where life & business get to be slow & savored, fast & full; a living work of heArt.
Instagram post here